cds  2.3.2
cds::intrusive::fcstack::stat< Counter > Struct Template Reference

FCStack internal statistics. More...

#include <cds/intrusive/fcstack.h>

Inheritance diagram for cds::intrusive::fcstack::stat< Counter >:
cds::algo::flat_combining::stat< Counter >

Public Types

typedef cds::algo::flat_combining::stat< Counter > flat_combining_stat
 Flat-combining statistics.
typedef flat_combining_stat::counter_type counter_type
 Counter type.
- Public Types inherited from cds::algo::flat_combining::stat< Counter >
typedef Counter counter_type
 Event counter type.

Data Fields

counter_type m_nPush
 Count of push operations.
counter_type m_nPop
 Count of success pop operations.
counter_type m_nFailedPop
 Count of failed pop operations (pop from empty stack)
counter_type m_nCollided
 How many pairs of push/pop were collided, if elimination is enabled.
- Data Fields inherited from cds::algo::flat_combining::stat< Counter >
counter_type m_nOperationCount
 How many operations have been performed.
counter_type m_nCombiningCount
 Combining call count.
counter_type m_nCompactPublicationList
 Count of publication list compacting.
counter_type m_nDeactivatePubRecord
 How many publication records were deactivated during compacting.
counter_type m_nActivatePubRecord
 Count of publication record activating.
counter_type m_nPubRecordCreated
 Count of created publication records.
counter_type m_nPubRecordDeleted
 Count of deleted publication records.
counter_type m_nPassiveWaitCall
 Count of passive waiting call (kernel::wait_for_combining())
counter_type m_nPassiveWaitIteration
 Count of iteration inside passive waiting.
counter_type m_nPassiveWaitWakeup
 Count of forcing wake-up of passive wait cycle.
counter_type m_nInvokeExclusive
 Count of call kernel::invoke_exclusive()
counter_type m_nWakeupByNotifying
 How many times the passive thread be waked up by a notification.
counter_type m_nPassiveToCombiner
 How many times the passive thread becomes the combiner.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from cds::algo::flat_combining::stat< Counter >
double combining_factor () const
 Returns current combining factor. More...

Detailed Description

template<typename Counter = cds::atomicity::event_counter>
struct cds::intrusive::fcstack::stat< Counter >

FCStack internal statistics.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

cds 2.3.2 Developed by Maxim Khizhinsky aka khizmax and other contributors 2007 - 2017
Autogenerated Sun Dec 31 2017 12:10:42 by Doxygen 1.8.13