▼Ncds | The main library namespace |
►Nalgo | Different approaches and techniques for supporting high-concurrent data structure |
►Nbit_reversal | Bit reversal algorithms |
Clookup | Lookup table algorithm |
Cmuldiv | Mul-Div algorithm for 32bit architectire |
Cswar | SWAR algorithm (source: http://aggregate.org/MAGIC/#Bit%20Reversal) |
►Nelimination | Elimination technique |
Coperation_desc | Base class describing an operation for eliminating |
Crecord | Per-thread elimination record |
►Nflat_combining | Flat combining |
►Nwait_strategy | Wait strategies for flat_combining technique |
►Cbackoff | Back-off wait strategy |
Cmake_publication_record | Incorporates back-off strategy into publication record |
►Cempty | Empty wait strategy |
Cmake_publication_record | Metafunction for defining a publication record for flat combining technique |
►Cmulti_mutex_multi_condvar | Wait strategy where each thread has a mutex and a condition variable |
►Cmake_publication_record | Incorporates a condition variable and a mutex into PublicationRecord |
Ctype | Metafunction result |
►Csingle_mutex_multi_condvar | Wait strategy based on the single mutex and thread-local condition variables |
►Cmake_publication_record | Incorporates a condition variable into PublicationRecord |
Ctype | Metafunction result |
►Csingle_mutex_single_condvar | Wait strategy based on the single mutex and the condition variable |
Cmake_publication_record | Empty metafunction |
Cempty_stat | Flat combining dummy internal statistics |
►Ckernel | The kernel of flat combining |
Citerator | Publication list iterator |
Cmake_traits | Metafunction converting option list to traits |
Cpublication_record | Record of publication list |
Cstat | Flat combining internal statistics |
Ctraits | Type traits of kernel class |
Cbyte_splitter | Simplified split_bitstring algorithm when count is multiple of 8 |
Cnumber_splitter | Cuts a bit sequence from a number |
Cselect_splitter | Metafunctin to select a most suitable splitter for type BitString of size BitStringSize |
Csplit_bitstring | Cuts a bit sequence from fixed-size bit-string |
►Natomicity | Atomic primitives |
Ccache_friendly_item_counter | Atomic cache-friendly item counter |
Cempty_item_counter | Empty item counter |
Cevent_counter | Atomic event counter |
Citem_counter | Atomic item counter |
►Nbackoff | Different backoff schemes |
Cdelay | Delay back-off strategy |
Cdelay_const_traits | Constant traits for delay back-off strategy |
Cdelay_runtime_traits | Runtime traits for delay back-off strategy |
Cempty | Empty backoff strategy. Do nothing |
Cexponential | Exponential back-off |
Cexponential_const_traits | backoff::exponential const traits |
Cexponential_runtime_traits | nackoff::exponential runtime traits |
Chint | Processor hint back-off |
Cpause | Random pause |
Cyield | Switch to another thread (yield). Good for thread preemption architecture |
►Ncontainer | Standard (non-intrusive) containers |
►Nbasket_queue | BasketQueue related definitions |
Cmake_traits | Metafunction converting option list to basket_queue::traits |
Ctraits | BasketQueue default type traits |
►Nbronson_avltree | BronsonAVLTree related declarations |
Cempty_stat | BronsonAVLTreeMap empty statistics |
Cmake_traits | Metafunction converting option list to BronsonAVLTreeMap traits |
Cnode | |
Cnode< Key, T *, SyncMonitor > | BronsonAVLTree internal node |
Crelaxed_insert | Option to allow relaxed insert into Bronson et al AVL-tree |
Cstat | BronsonAVLTreeMap internal statistics |
Ctraits | BronsonAVLTreeMap traits |
►Ncuckoo | CuckooSet and CuckooMap related definitions |
Cempty_refinable_stat | Empty refinable internal statistics. This is typedef for intrusive::cuckoo::empty_refinable_stat |
Cempty_stat | Cuckoo empty statistics.This is typedef for intrusive::cuckoo::empty_stat |
Cempty_striping_stat | Empty striping internal statistics. This is typedef for intrusive::cuckoo::empty_striping_stat |
Cmake_traits | Metafunction converting option list to CuckooSet/CuckooMap traits |
Cprobeset_type | Probe set type option |
Crefinable | Refinable concurrent access policy. This is typedef for intrusive::cuckoo::refinable template |
Crefinable_stat | Refinable internal statistics. This is typedef for intrusive::cuckoo::refinable_stat |
Cstat | Cuckoo statistics. This is typedef for intrusive::cuckoo::stat |
Cstore_hash | Option specifying whether to store hash values in the node |
Cstriping | Lock striping concurrent access policy. This is typedef for intrusive::cuckoo::striping template |
Cstriping_stat | Striping internal statistics. This is typedef for intrusive::cuckoo::striping_stat |
Ctraits | Type traits for CuckooSet and CuckooMap classes |
►Nellen_bintree | EllenBinTree related definitions |
Cmake_map_traits | Metafunction converting option list to EllenBinTreeMap traits |
Cmake_set_traits | Metafunction converting option list to EllenBinTreeSet traits |
Cmap_node | EllenBinTreeMap leaf node |
Cnode | EllenBinTree leaf node |
Ctraits | Type traits for EllenBinTreeSet and EllenBinTreeMap |
►Nfcdeque | FCDeque related definitions |
Cempty_stat | FCDeque dummy statistics, no overhead |
Cmake_traits | Metafunction converting option list to traits |
Cstat | FCDeque internal statistics |
Ctraits | FCDeque type traits |
►Nfcpqueue | FCPriorityQueue related definitions |
Cempty_stat | FCPriorityQueue dummy statistics, no overhead |
Cmake_traits | Metafunction converting option list to traits |
Cstat | FCPriorityQueue internal statistics |
Ctraits | FCPriorityQueue traits |
►Nfcqueue | FCQueue related definitions |
Cempty_stat | FCQueue dummy statistics, no overhead |
Cmake_traits | Metafunction converting option list to traits |
Cstat | FCQueue internal statistics |
Ctraits | FCQueue type traits |
►Nfcstack | FCStack related definitions |
Cempty_stat | FCStack dummy statistics, no overhead |
Cmake_traits | Metafunction converting option list to traits |
Cstat | FCStack internal statistics |
Ctraits | FCStack type traits |
►Nfeldman_hashmap | FeldmanHashMap related definitions |
Cmake_traits | Metafunction converting option list to feldman_hashmap::traits |
Ctraits | FeldmanHashMap traits |
►Nfeldman_hashset | FeldmanHashSet related definitions |
Cmake_traits | Metafunction converting option list to feldman_hashset::traits |
Ctraits | FeldmanHashSet traits |
►Niterable_list | IterableList ordered list related definitions |
Cmake_traits | |
►Nlazy_list | LazyList ordered list related definitions |
Cmake_traits | |
►Nmichael_list | MichaelList ordered list related definitions |
Cmake_traits | |
►Nmspriority_queue | MSPriorityQueue related definitions |
Cmake_traits | Metafunction converting option list to traits |
Ctraits | MSPriorityQueue traits |
►Nmsqueue | MSQueue related definitions |
Cmake_traits | Metafunction converting option list to msqueue::traits |
Ctraits | MSQueue default type traits |
►Noptimistic_queue | OptimisticQueue related definitions |
Cmake_traits | Metafunction converting option list to msqueue::traits |
Ctraits | MSQueue default type traits |
►Nrwqueue | RWQueue related definitions |
Cmake_traits | Metafunction converting option list to rwqueue::traits |
Ctraits | RWQueue default type traits |
►Nsegmented_queue | SegmentedQueue -related declarations |
Cmake_traits | Metafunction converting option list to traits for SegmentedQueue |
Ctraits | SegmentedQueue default type traits |
►Nskip_list | SkipListSet related definitions |
Cmake_traits | Metafunction converting option list to SkipListSet traits |
Ctraits | SkipListSet traits |
►Nsplit_list | SplitListSet related definitions |
Cmake_traits | Metafunction converting option list to traits struct |
Cordered_list | Option to select ordered list class for split-list |
Cordered_list_traits | Option to specify ordered list type traits |
Ctraits | SplitListSet traits |
►Nstriped_set | Striped hash set related definitions |
Cadapt | Default adapter for hash set |
►Ntreiber_stack | TreiberStack related definitions |
Cmake_traits | Metafunction converting option list to TreiberStack traits |
Ctraits | TreiberStack default type traits |
►Nvyukov_queue | VyukovMPMCCycleQueue related definitions |
Cmake_traits | Metafunction converting option list to vyukov_queue::traits |
Ctraits | VyukovMPMCCycleQueue default traits |
►Nweak_ringbuffer | WeakRingBuffer related definitions |
Cmake_traits | Metafunction converting option list to weak_ringbuffer::traits |
Ctraits | WeakRingBuffer default traits |
►CBasketQueue | Basket lock-free queue (non-intrusive variant) |
Crebind | Rebind template arguments |
CBronsonAVLTreeMap | |
CBronsonAVLTreeMap< cds::urcu::gc< RCU >, Key, T *, Traits > | Bronson et al AVL-tree (RCU specialization for pointers) |
CBronsonAVLTreeMap< cds::urcu::gc< RCU >, Key, T, Traits > | Bronson et al AVL-tree (RCU specialization) |
CCuckooMap | Cuckoo hash map |
CCuckooSet | Cuckoo hash set |
CEllenBinTreeMap | Map based on Ellen's et al binary search tree |
CEllenBinTreeMap< cds::urcu::gc< RCU >, Key, T, Traits > | Map based on Ellen's et al binary search tree (RCU specialization) |
CEllenBinTreeSet | Set based on Ellen's et al binary search tree |
CEllenBinTreeSet< cds::urcu::gc< RCU >, Key, T, Traits > | Set based on Ellen's et al binary search tree (RCU specialization) |
CFCDeque | Flat-combining deque |
CFCPriorityQueue | Flat-combining priority queue |
CFCQueue | Flat-combining queue |
CFCStack | Flat-combining stack |
CFeldmanHashMap | Hash map based on multi-level array |
CFeldmanHashMap< cds::urcu::gc< RCU >, Key, T, Traits > | Hash map based on multi-level array |
CFeldmanHashSet | Hash set based on multi-level array |
CFeldmanHashSet< cds::urcu::gc< RCU >, T, Traits > | Hash set based on multi-level array, RCU specialization |
CIterableKVList | Iterable ordered list for key-value pair |
CIterableList | Iterable ordered list |
Clazy_list_tag | |
CLazyKVList | Lazy ordered list (key-value pair) |
CLazyKVList< cds::urcu::gc< RCU >, Key, Value, Traits > | Lazy ordered list (key-value pair), template specialization for RCU |
CLazyKVList< gc::nogc, Key, Value, Traits > | Lazy ordered list (key-value pair, template specialization for gc::nogc) |
CLazyList | Lazy ordered list |
CLazyList< cds::gc::nogc, T, Traits > | Lazy ordered single-linked list (template specialization for gc::nogc) |
CLazyList< cds::urcu::gc< RCU >, T, Traits > | Lazy ordered list (template specialization for RCU) |
Cmichael_list_tag | |
CMichaelHashMap | Michael's hash map |
CMichaelHashMap< cds::gc::nogc, OrderedList, Traits > | Michael's hash map (template specialization for cds::gc::nogc ) |
CMichaelHashMap< cds::urcu::gc< RCU >, OrderedList, Traits > | Michael's hash map (template specialization for RCU) |
CMichaelHashSet | Michael's hash set |
CMichaelHashSet< cds::gc::nogc, OrderedList, Traits > | Michael's hash set (template specialization for gc::nogc) |
CMichaelHashSet< cds::urcu::gc< RCU >, OrderedList, Traits > | Michael's hash set (template specialization for RCU) |
CMichaelKVList | Michael's ordered list for key-value pair |
CMichaelKVList< cds::urcu::gc< RCU >, Key, Value, Traits > | Michael's ordered list (key-value pair), template specialization for RCU |
CMichaelKVList< gc::nogc, Key, Value, Traits > | Michael's ordered list (key-value pair, template specialization for gc::nogc) |
CMichaelList | Michael's ordered list |
CMichaelList< cds::urcu::gc< RCU >, T, Traits > | Michael's ordered list (template specialization for RCU) |
CMichaelList< gc::nogc, T, Traits > | Michael's lock-free ordered single-linked list (template specialization for gc::nogc ) |
►CMoirQueue | A variation of Michael & Scott's lock-free queue |
Crebind | Rebind template arguments |
CMSPriorityQueue | Michael & Scott array-based lock-based concurrent priority queue heap |
►CMSQueue | Michael & Scott lock-free queue |
Crebind | Rebind template arguments |
►COptimisticQueue | Optimistic queue |
Crebind | Rebind template arguments |
►CRWQueue | Michael & Scott blocking queue with fine-grained synchronization schema |
Crebind | Rebind template arguments |
CSegmentedQueue | Segmented queue |
CSkipListMap | Lock-free skip-list map |
CSkipListMap< cds::gc::nogc, Key, T, Traits > | Lock-free skip-list map (template specialization for gc::nogc) |
CSkipListMap< cds::urcu::gc< RCU >, Key, T, Traits > | Lock-free skip-list map (template specialization for RCU) |
CSkipListSet | Lock-free skip-list set |
CSkipListSet< cds::urcu::gc< RCU >, T, Traits > | Lock-free skip-list set (template specialization for RCU) |
CSkipListSet< gc::nogc, T, Traits > | Lock-free skip-list set (template specialization for gc::nogc) |
CSplitListMap | Split-ordered list map |
CSplitListMap< cds::gc::nogc, Key, Value, Traits > | Split-ordered list map (template specialization for gc::nogc) |
CSplitListMap< cds::urcu::gc< RCU >, Key, Value, Traits > | Split-ordered list map (template specialization for RCU) |
CSplitListSet | Split-ordered list set |
CSplitListSet< cds::gc::nogc, T, Traits > | Split-ordered list set (template specialization for gc::nogc ) |
CSplitListSet< cds::urcu::gc< RCU >, T, Traits > | Split-ordered list set (template specialization for RCU) |
CStripedMap | Striped hash map |
CStripedSet | Striped hash set |
►CTreiberStack | Treiber's stack algorithm |
Crebind | Rebind template arguments |
►CVyukovMPMCCycleQueue | Vyukov's MPMC bounded queue |
Crebind | Rebind template arguments |
►CWeakRingBuffer | Single-producer single-consumer ring buffer |
Crebind | Rebind template arguments |
CWeakRingBuffer< void, Traits > | Single-producer single-consumer ring buffer for untyped variable-sized data |
►Ndetails | |
Calign_as | |
Caligned_type | Aligned type |
►CAlignedAllocator | Allocator for aligned data |
Crebind | Rebinds allocator to other type Q instead of T |
►CAllocator | Extends std::allocator interface to provide semantics like operator new and delete |
Crebind | Rebinds allocator to other type Q instead of T |
Cdeferral_deleter | Deferral removing of the object of type T . Helper class |
Cmarked_ptr | Marked pointer |
Ctype_padding | Automatic alignment type T to AlignFactor |
►Ngc | Different safe memory reclamation schemas (garbage collectors) |
►Ndhp | Dynamic (adaptive) Hazard Pointer implementation details |
Cnot_initialized | Exception "Dynamic Hazard Pointer SMR is not initialized" |
Cstat | Internal statistics |
►Nhp | Hazard pointer implementation details |
Cnot_enought_hazard_ptr | Exception "Not enough Hazard Pointer" |
Cnot_initialized | Exception "Hazard Pointer SMR is not initialized" |
Cstat | Internal statistics |
►CDHP | Dynamic (adaptie) Hazard Pointer SMR |
CGuard | Dynamic Hazard Pointer guard |
►CGuardArray | Array of Dynamic Hazard Pointer guards |
Crebind | Rebind array for other size OtherCount |
Cguarded_ptr | Guarded pointer |
►CHP | Hazard Pointer SMR (Safe Memory Reclamation) |
CGuard | Hazard Pointer guard |
►CGuardArray | Array of Hazard Pointer guards |
Crebind | Rebind array for other size Count2 |
Cguarded_ptr | Guarded pointer |
Cnogc | No garbage collecting |
►Nintrusive | Intrusive containers |
►Nbasket_queue | BasketQueue -related definitions |
Cbase_hook | Base hook |
Cempty_stat | Dummy BasketQueue statistics - no counting is performed, no overhead. Support interface like basket_queue::stat |
Cmake_traits | Metafunction converting option list to basket_queue::traits |
Cmember_hook | Member hook |
►Cnode | BasketQueue node |
Crebind | Rebind node for other template parameters |
Cstat | BasketQueue internal statistics. May be used for debugging or profiling |
Ctraits | BasketQueue default type traits |
Ctraits_hook | Traits hook |
►Ncuckoo | CuckooSet-related definitions |
Cbase_hook | Base hook |
Cempty_refinable_stat | Dummy internal statistics for refinable mutex policy |
Cempty_stat | CuckooSet empty internal statistics |
Cempty_striping_stat | Dummy internal statistics for striping mutex policy |
Cmake_traits | Metafunction converting option list to CuckooSet traits |
Cmember_hook | Member hook |
Cnode | CuckooSet node |
Cprobeset_type | Option to define probeset type |
Crefinable | Refinable concurrent access policy |
Crefinable_stat | Internal statistics for refinable mutex policy |
Cstat | CuckooSet internal statistics |
Cstore_hash | Option specifying whether to store hash values in the node |
Cstriping | Lock striping concurrent access policy |
Cstriping_stat | Internal statistics for striping mutex policy |
Ctraits | Type traits for CuckooSet class |
Ctraits_hook | Traits hook |
Cvector | Vector probeset type |
►Nellen_bintree | EllenBinTree related declarations |
Cbase_hook | Base hook |
Cbase_node | |
Cempty_stat | EllenBinTree empty statistics |
Cinternal_node | Ellen's binary tree internal node |
Ckey_extractor | Key extracting functor option setter |
Cmake_traits | Metafunction converting option list to EllenBinTree traits |
Cmember_hook | Member hook |
Cnode | Ellen's binary tree leaf node |
Cnode_types | Types of EllenBinTree node |
Cstat | EllenBinTree internal statistics |
Ctraits | EllenBinTree traits |
Ctraits_hook | Traits hook |
Cupdate_desc | Update descriptor |
Cupdate_desc_allocator | Update descriptor allocator option setter |
►Nfcqueue | FCQueue related definitions |
Cempty_stat | FCQueue dummy statistics, no overhead |
Cmake_traits | Metafunction converting option list to traits |
Cstat | FCQueue internal statistics |
Ctraits | FCQueue type traits |
►Nfcstack | FCStack related definitions |
Cempty_stat | FCStack dummy statistics, no overhead |
Cmake_traits | Metafunction converting option list to traits |
Cstat | FCStack internal statistics |
Ctraits | FCStack type traits |
►Nfeldman_hashset | FeldmanHashSet related definitions |
Cbitwise_compare | Bit-wise memcmp-based comparator for hash value T |
Cempty_stat | FeldmanHashSet empty internal statistics |
Chash_accessor | Hash accessor option |
Chash_size | Hash size option |
Chash_splitter | Hash splitter option |
Clevel_statistics | One-level statistics, see FeldmanHashSet::get_level_statistics |
Cmake_traits | Metafunction converting option list to feldman_hashset::traits |
Cstat | FeldmanHashSet internal statistics |
Ctraits | FeldmanHashSet traits |
►Niterable_list | IterableList ordered list related definitions |
Cempty_stat | IterableList empty internal statistics |
Cmake_traits | Metafunction converting option list to iterable_list::traits |
Cnode | Node type |
Cstat | IterableList internal statistics |
Ctraits | IterableList traits |
►Nlazy_list | LazyList ordered list related definitions |
Cbase_hook | Base hook |
Cempty_stat | LazyList empty internal statistics |
Cget_link_checker | Metafunction for selecting appropriate link checking policy |
Clink_checker | Check link |
Cmake_traits | Metafunction converting option list to lazy_list::traits |
Cmember_hook | Member hook |
Cnode | Lazy list node |
Cnode< cds::urcu::gc< RCU >, Lock, Tag > | Lazy list node for RCU |
Cnode< gc::nogc, Lock, Tag > | Lazy list node for gc::nogc |
Cstat | LazyList internal statistics |
Ctraits | LazyList traits |
Ctraits_hook | Traits hook |
►Nmichael_list | MichaelList ordered list related definitions |
Cbase_hook | Base hook |
Cempty_stat | MichaelList empty internal statistics |
Cget_link_checker | Metafunction for selecting appropriate link checking policy |
Clink_checker | Checks link |
Cmake_traits | Metafunction converting option list to michael_list::traits |
Cmember_hook | Member hook |
Cnode | Michael's list node |
Cnode< gc::nogc, Tag > | Michael list node |
Cstat | MichaelList internal statistics |
Ctraits | MichaelList traits |
Ctraits_hook | Traits hook |
►Nmichael_set | MichaelHashSet related definitions |
Cmake_traits | Metafunction converting option list to traits struct |
Ctraits | MichaelHashSet traits |
►Nmspriority_queue | MSPriorityQueue related definitions |
Cempty_stat | MSPriorityQueue empty statistics |
Cmake_traits | Metafunction converting option list to traits |
Cstat | MSPriorityQueue statistics |
Ctraits | MSPriorityQueue traits |
►Nmsqueue | MSQueue related definitions |
Cempty_stat | Dummy queue statistics - no counting is performed, no overhead. Support interface like msqueue::stat |
Cmake_traits | Metafunction converting option list to msqueue::traits |
Cstat | Queue internal statistics. May be used for debugging or profiling |
Ctraits | MSQueue default traits |
►Nopt | Common options for intrusive containers |
Cdelete_disposer | Deletion item disposer |
Cdisposer | Item disposer option setter |
Cempty_disposer | Empty item disposer |
Chook | Hook option |
Clink_checker | Link checking |
►Noptimistic_queue | OptimisticQueue related definitions |
Cbase_hook | Base hook |
Cempty_stat | Dummy OptimisticQueue statistics - no counting is performed. Support interface like optimistic_queue::stat |
Cget_link_checker | Metafunction for selecting appropriate link checking policy |
Clink_checker | Check link |
Cmake_traits | Metafunction converting option list to optimistic_queue::traits |
Cmember_hook | Member hook |
Cnode | Optimistic queue node |
Cstat | OptimisticQueue internal statistics. May be used for debugging or profiling |
Ctraits | OptimisticQueue default type traits |
Ctraits_hook | Traits hook |
►Nsegmented_queue | SegmentedQueue -related declarations |
Cempty_stat | Dummy SegmentedQueue statistics, no overhead |
Cmake_traits | Metafunction converting option list to traits for SegmentedQueue |
Cstat | SegmentedQueue internal statistics. May be used for debugging or profiling |
Ctraits | SegmentedQueue default traits |
►Nsingle_link | Definitions common for single-linked data structures |
Cbase_hook | Base hook |
Cget_link_checker | Metafunction for selecting appropriate link checking policy |
Clink_checker | Check link |
Cmember_hook | Member hook |
►Cnode | Container's node |
Crebind | Rebind node for other template parameters |
Ctraits_hook | Traits hook |
►Nskip_list | SkipListSet related definitions |
Cbase_hook | Base hook |
Cempty_stat | SkipListSet empty internal statistics |
Cmake_traits | Metafunction converting option list to SkipListSet traits |
Cmember_hook | Member hook |
Cnode | Skip list node |
Crandom_level_generator | Option specifying random level generator |
Cstat | SkipListSet internal statistics |
Ctraits | SkipListSet traits |
Ctraits_hook | Traits hook |
Cturbo | Turbo-pascal random level generator |
Cxor_shift | Xor-shift random level generator |
►Nsplit_list | Split-ordered list related definitions |
Cbit_reversal | Option to control bit reversal algorithm |
Cdynamic_bucket_table | [value-option] Split-list dynamic bucket table option |
Cempty_stat | Dummy queue statistics - no counting is performed, no overhead. Support interface like split_list::stat |
►Cexpandable_bucket_table | Expandable bucket table |
Caux_node_type | Auxiliary node type |
Cmake_traits | Metafunction converting option list to split_list::traits |
Cnode | Split-ordered list node |
Cstat | SplitListSet internal statistics. May be used for debugging or profiling |
►Cstatic_bucket_table | Static bucket table |
Caux_node_type | Auxiliary node type |
Ctraits | SplitListSet traits |
►Nstriped_set | StripedSet related definitions |
Cadapt | Default adapter for intrusive striped/refinable hash set |
Cload_factor_resizing | Load factor based resizing policy |
Cload_factor_resizing< 0 > | Load factor based resizing policy, stateful specialization |
Cno_resizing | Dummy resizing policy |
Crational_load_factor_resizing | Rational load factor resizing policy |
Crational_load_factor_resizing< 0, Denominator > | Rational load factor resizing policy |
Crefinable | Refinable concurrent access policy |
Csingle_bucket_size_threshold | Single bucket threshold resizing policy |
Csingle_bucket_size_threshold< 0 > | Single bucket threshold resizing policy, stateful specialization |
Cstriping | Lock striping concurrent access policy |
►Ntreiber_stack | TreiberStack related definitions |
Cempty_stat | Empty (no overhead) stack statistics. Support interface like treiber_stack::stat |
Cmake_traits | Metafunction converting option list to treiber_stack::traits |
Cstat | Stack internal statistics. May be useful for debugging or profiling |
Ctraits | TreiberStack default type traits |
►Nvyukov_queue | VyukovMPMCCycleQueue related definitions |
Cmake_traits | Metafunction converting option list to vyukov_queue::traits |
Ctraits | VyukovMPMCCycleQueue traits |
►CBasketQueue | Basket lock-free queue (intrusive variant) |
Crebind | Rebind template arguments |
CCachedFreeList | Cached free list |
CCuckooSet | Cuckoo hash set |
CEllenBinTree | Ellen's et al binary search tree |
CEllenBinTree< cds::urcu::gc< RCU >, Key, T, Traits > | Ellen's et al binary search tree (RCU specialization) |
CFCQueue | Flat-combining intrusive queue |
CFCStack | Flat-combining intrusive stack |
CFeldmanHashSet | Intrusive hash set based on multi-level array |
CFeldmanHashSet< cds::urcu::gc< RCU >, T, Traits > | Intrusive hash set based on multi-level array, RCU specialization |
►CFreeList | Lock-free free list |
Cnode | Free list node |
Cget_node_traits | Node traits selector metafunction |
CIterableList | Iterable lock-free ordered single-linked list |
CLazyList | Lazy ordered single-linked list |
CLazyList< cds::urcu::gc< RCU >, T, Traits > | Lazy ordered single-linked list (template specialization for RCU) |
CLazyList< gc::nogc, T, Traits > | Lazy single-linked list (template specialization for gc::nogc ) |
CMichaelHashSet | Michael's hash set |
CMichaelHashSet< cds::gc::nogc, OrderedList, Traits > | Michael's hash set (template specialization for gc::nogc) |
CMichaelHashSet< cds::urcu::gc< RCU >, OrderedList, Traits > | Michael's hash set, RCU specialization |
CMichaelList | Michael's lock-free ordered single-linked list |
CMichaelList< cds::urcu::gc< RCU >, T, Traits > | Michael's lock-free ordered single-linked list (template specialization for RCU) |
CMichaelList< gc::nogc, T, Traits > | Michael's lock-free ordered single-linked list (template specialization for gc::nogc) |
►CMoirQueue | A variation of Michael & Scott's lock-free queue (intrusive variant) |
Crebind | Rebind template arguments |
CMSPriorityQueue | Michael & Scott array-based lock-based concurrent priority queue heap |
►CMSQueue | Michael & Scott's intrusive lock-free queue |
Crebind | Rebind template arguments |
Cnode_traits | Container's node traits |
►COptimisticQueue | Optimistic intruive lock-free queue |
Crebind | Rebind template arguments |
CSegmentedQueue | Segmented queue |
CSkipListSet | Lock-free skip-list set |
CSkipListSet< cds::gc::nogc, T, Traits > | Lock-free skip-list set (template specialization for gc::nogc) |
CSkipListSet< cds::urcu::gc< RCU >, T, Traits > | Lock-free skip-list set (template specialization for RCU) |
CSplitListSet | Split-ordered list |
CSplitListSet< cds::gc::nogc, OrderedList, Traits > | Split-ordered list (template specialization for gc::nogc) |
CSplitListSet< cds::urcu::gc< RCU >, OrderedList, Traits > | Split-ordered list RCU specialization |
CStripedSet | Striped hash set |
►CTaggedFreeList | Lock-free free list based on tagged pointers (required double-width CAS) |
Cnode | |
►CTreiberStack | Treiber intrusive stack |
Crebind | Rebind template arguments |
►CVyukovMPMCCycleQueue | Vyukov's MPMC bounded queue |
Crebind | Rebind template arguments |
►Nmemory | |
Cbounded_vyukov_queue_pool | Bounded free-list based on bounded lock-free queue cds::intrusive::VyukovMPMCCycleQueue |
Clazy_vyukov_queue_pool | Lazy free-list based on bounded lock-free queue cds::intrusive::VyukovMPMCCycleQueue |
Cpool_allocator | Pool allocator adapter |
Cvyukov_queue_pool | Free-list based on bounded lock-free queue cds::intrusive::VyukovMPMCCycleQueue |
Cvyukov_queue_pool_traits | vyukov_queue_pool traits |
►Nopt | Framework to define template options |
►Nv | Predefined options value |
Cassignment_move_policy | opt::move_policy based on move-assignment operator |
Cauto_cleaner | Cleaner that calls T destructor if it is not trivial |
Cc_rand | rand() -base random number generator for opt::random_engine |
Cdefault_swap_policy | |
Cdestruct_cleaner | Cleaner that calls destructor of type T |
Cempty_cleaner | Empty cleaner |
►Cinitialized_dynamic_buffer | Dynamically allocated initialized buffer |
Crebind | Rebind buffer for other template parameters |
►Cinitialized_static_buffer | Static initialized buffer |
Crebind | Rebind buffer for other template parameters |
Cless_comparator | Comparator based on std::less predicate |
Cless_comparator< std::basic_string< T, Traits, Alloc > > | Comparator specialization for std::string |
Crandom2_permutation | Permutation generator of power-of-2 length based on rand() |
Crandom_permutation | Permutation generator of arbitrary length based on rand() |
Crandom_shuffle_permutation | Permutation generator based on std::shuffle |
Crcu_assert_deadlock | opt::rcu_check_deadlock option value: call assert in debug mode only |
Crcu_no_check_deadlock | opt::rcu_check_deadlock option value: no deadlock checking |
Crcu_throw_deadlock | opt::rcu_check_deadlock option value: throw a cds::urcu::rcu_deadlock exception when a deadlock detected |
Crelaxed_ordering | Relaxed memory ordering opt::memory_model |
Csequential_consistent | Sequential consistent opt::memory_memory ordering |
Csequential_item_counter | Sequential non-atomic item counter |
Cskew_permutation | Skew permutation generator |
►Cuninitialized_dynamic_buffer | Dynamically allocated uninitialized buffer |
Crebind | Rebind buffer for other template parameters |
►Cuninitialized_static_buffer | Static uninitialized buffer |
Crebind | Rebind buffer for other template parameters |
Calignment | [value-option] Alignment option setter |
Callocator | [type-option] Option setter for an allocator |
Cback_off | [type-option] Back-off strategy option setter |
Cbuffer | [type-option] Option setter for user-provided plain buffer |
Ccompare | [type-option] Option setter for key comparing |
Ccopy_policy | Copy policy option |
Celimination_backoff | Elimination back-off strategy option setter |
Cenable_elimination | Enable elimination back-off for the container |
Cequal_to | [type-option] Option setter for opt::equal_to predicate |
Cfind_option | Metafunction to find What option in Options list |
Cfind_type_traits | Metafunction to find opt::type_traits option in Options list |
Cfree_list | [type-option] Free-list implementation |
Cgc | [type-option] Option setter for garbage collecting schema used |
Chash | [type-option] Option setter for a hash function |
Chash< std::tuple< Functors... > > | Multi-functor hash option setter - specialization for std::tuple |
Citem_counter | [type-option] Option setter for item counting |
Cless | [type-option] Option setter for less predicate |
Clock_type | [type-option] Option setter specifies lock class |
Cmake_options | Make_options metafunction |
Cmemory_model | [type-option] Option setter for C++ memory model |
Cmove_policy | Move policy option |
Cmutex_policy | [type-option] Concurrent access policy |
Cnode_allocator | [type-option] Option setter for node allocator |
Cnone | Type indicates that an option is not specified and the default one should be used |
Cpadding | [value-option] Padding option setter |
Cpermutation_generator | [type-option] Random permutation generator option setter |
Crandom_engine | [type-option] Random number generator |
Crcu_check_deadlock | [type-option] RCU check deadlock option setter |
Cresizing_policy | Resizing policy option |
Cselect | Select option metafunction |
Cselect_default | Metafunction for selecting default option value |
Csort | [value-option] Enable sorting |
Cstat | [type-option] Generic option setter for statisitcs |
Cswap_policy | Swap policy option |
Csync_monitor | [type-option] Monitor type setter |
Ctag | [type-option] Option setter specifies a tag |
Ctype_traits | [type-option] Base type traits option setter |
Cvalue | Metafunction to select option value |
Cvalue_cleaner | [type-option] value cleaning |
Cwait_strategy | Wait strategy option for flat_combining::kernel |
►NOS | OS specific wrappers |
►NAix | IBM AIX specific wrappers |
Ctopology | System topology |
►NFree_BSD | FreeBSD-specific wrappers |
Ctopology | System topology |
►NHpux | HP-UX-specific wrappers |
Ctopology | System topology |
►NLinux | Linux-specific wrappers |
Ctopology | System topology |
►NOS_X | OSX-specific wrappers |
Ctopology | System topology |
►Nposix | Posix-related wrappers |
Ctopology | Fake system topology |
►NSun | Sun Solaris-specific wrappers |
Ctopology | System topology |
►NWin32 | Windows-specific functions |
Ctopology | System topology |
►Caligned_allocator | Aligned allocator |
Crebind | Convert an aligned_allocator<T> to an aligned_allocator<OTHER> |
►Nsync | Synchronization primitives |
►Cinjecting_monitor | Monitor that injects the lock into each node |
Cnode_injection | Node injection |
Clock_array | Array of locks |
Cmod_select_policy | The lock lock_array cell selection policy "division by modulo" |
Cmonitor_scoped_lock | Monitor scoped lock (RAII) |
►Cpool_monitor | Monitor that allocates node's lock when needed |
Cnode_injection | Node injection |
►Cpool_monitor_traits | pool_monitor traits |
Cempty_stat | Dummy internal statistics if Stat template parameter is false |
Cstat | Monitor's internal statistics, used if Stat template parameter is true |
Cpow2_select_policy | The lock lock_array cell selection policy "division by modulo of power of 2" |
Creentrant_spin_lock | Recursive spin lock |
Cspin_lock | Spin lock |
Ctrivial_select_policy | Trivial lock lock_array selection policy |
►Nurcu | User-space Read-Copy Update (URCU) namespace |
Cdispose_thread | Reclamation thread for general_threaded URCU |
Cexempt_ptr | Exempt pointer for RCU |
Cgc< general_buffered< Buffer, Lock, Backoff > > | User-space general-purpose RCU with deferred buffered reclamation |
Cgc< general_instant< Lock, Backoff > > | User-space general-purpose RCU with immediate reclamation |
Cgc< general_threaded< Buffer, Lock, DisposerThread, Backoff > > | User-space general-purpose RCU with special thread for deferred reclamation |
Cgc< signal_buffered< Buffer, Lock, Backoff > > | User-space signal-handled RCU with deferred buffered reclamation |
Cgeneral_buffered | User-space general-purpose RCU with deferred (buffered) reclamation |
Cgeneral_buffered_stripped | User-space general-purpose RCU with deferred (buffered) reclamation (stripped version) |
Cgeneral_buffered_tag | Tag for general_buffered URCU |
Cgeneral_instant | User-space general-purpose RCU with immediate reclamation |
Cgeneral_instant_stripped | User-space general-purpose RCU with immediate reclamation (stripped version) |
Cgeneral_instant_tag | Tag for general_instant URCU |
Cgeneral_purpose_rcu | General-purpose URCU type |
Cgeneral_threaded | User-space general-purpose RCU with deferred threaded reclamation |
Cgeneral_threaded_stripped | User-space general-purpose RCU with deferred threaded reclamation (stripped version) |
Cgeneral_threaded_tag | Tag for general_threaded URCU |
Craw_ptr | Raw pointer to node of RCU-based container |
Crcu_deadlock | Exception "RCU deadlock detected" |
Csignal_buffered | User-space signal-handled RCU with deferred (buffered) reclamation |
Csignal_buffered_stripped | User-space signal-handled RCU with deferred (buffered) reclamation (stripped version) |
Csignal_buffered_tag | Tag for signal_buffered URCU |
Csignal_handling_rcu | Signal-handling URCU type |
Cany_type | Any_type is used as a placeholder for auto-calculated type (usually in rebind templates) |
Cbounded_container | Bounded container |
Cepoch_retired_ptr | Epoch-based retired ptr |
▼Ncxx11 | Cds::threading::Manager implementation based on c++11 thread_local declaration |
CManager | Thread-specific data manager based on c++11 thread_local feature |
▼Ngcc | Cds::threading::Manager implementation based on GCC __thread declaration |
CManager | Thread-specific data manager based on GCC __thread feature |
▼Nmsvc | Cds::threading::Manager implementation based on Microsoft Visual C++ __declspec( thread ) construction |
CManager | Thread-specific data manager based on MSVC __declspec( thread ) feature |